Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dino Again

Today L went to the Dino exibition again, the school organised the trip (for K1 & K2 only). Since she likes it, I allowed her to go again and coz they went to the omni theatre too.

When we picked them up, she was all excited and told me what was the movie abt and what were the things that she saw and did.

Then she did this drawing abt dino. So cute hor? Mommy dino has pattern on her (that's what she told me).


Anonymous said...

wow,she can draw really well, I wish Rayner can draw like that too!!! kekekeke

LZmommy said...

Thank you! I'm sure Rayner can do it too!

Anonymous said...

errr...i don't think he can draw that well, maybe he can write abcs and 123s well but can't draw well. I wil try to dig up some of his drawings and see if you can decipher...kekeke....i know i can't lor.....kekekeke

LZmommy said...

Would love to see his paintings on your blog! :)

Think she got her dad's gene la, daddy can draw very well...

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