Saturday, June 02, 2007

Church Holiday Camp

Day 1

It was very rush in morning, getting LZ and myself ready by 0830hr. I was worried intially that I will have a hard time waking Z as he was not used to getting up at 7+ unlike L, but my worry was uncalled for. He happily got up and was looking forward to it.

By the time we arrived a 0855hr, the hall was packed with daddies, mommies and maids. After making sure that LZ are settled, I left for home. Time passes very fast and I was back at the camp at 1245hr to pick them up. When I arrived, they had just finished their lunch, MacDonald & KFC. L Z told me that they enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the next day.

On the way back, L reminded me to get her a new ballet shoes. I have been very forgetful.... Good thing that L reminded me. How can I survive without her? Hehehe....

Day 2

After sending LZ to the church, daddy and me had some time to ourselves. How nice to be able to spend some time alone with daddy. I need to spend some time alone with my man otherwise he will feel neglected.. Hahaha...

Z on stage

Z performing on stage

At 1235hr, I received a sms from my friend, telling me that Z was on stage performing! Argghhhh! I'm so angry with myself! Why didn't I leave the house earlier? I would usually arrive ealier to pick them up. It was very sweet of my friend to send me pics of my babies. Thank you Michelle :)

L dancing

L enjoyed dancing and singing

I was very glad that I signed them up for this. They did art & crafts, songs, storytelling, games and learned alot during this 2 days camp, honesty, sharing/giving and kind. They made new friends too!

At the end of the camp, they took group photos


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