Monday, July 16, 2007

L asked


L asked: mommy why you hands so rough? (we were holding hands while on my bed)

Me : That is because I do lots of housework.

L : Poor mommy.... My hands are rough too!

Me : Nonsense! How can your hands be rough? I put lotion for you before bedtime and you don't do housework.

L : I do housework. I sweep the floor, pack up the toys and I sometimes wash the cups.

Me : But you don't mop the floor, wash the toilets or the clothes.

L : Ya.... So next time ask daddy to do it. I can help you too.

*_* My dear girl, daddy has to work and I take care of both of you and the house :) When you go to primary school, you help mommy whenever you can ok?

I am so touched that she noticed little things like this (my hands). Thank you my Sweetie, I appreciate you helping me :)


Health Freak Mommy said...

L is so sweet and thougtful. I am amazed by the maturity in her thoughts despite her age, hasnt even gone to primary school yet.

Aces Family said...

Hi LZmommy, touching...: )

I think girls are generally more sensitive to small things than boys. Anthea also volunteer to help to mop floor..hee : P


LHS said...

that's why i always say girls are more thoughtful than boys..:)

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