Friday, July 18, 2008

My Boy Is 'Transparent'!

Z is a shy boy... Whenever I ask him to go ask for something, he wants jiejie or me to ask for it with him. Last night we had dinner at Macdonald, a reward for my kids for being so sweet to let me rest in the afternoon. I thought it was time for my boy to learn. He asked if he can hold his toys (from happy meal) when we walk home and I told him to go to the counter to ask for a small plastic bag so he can put the 2 toys inside.

He was excited and nervous at the same time. I knew he would like to try but at the same time, very shy to ask. Jiejie offered to go with him but I told L he should try to do things on his own. He came back twice to repeat the question to me. I assured him he was fine and asked him to speak loudly. He queued patiently.... I know actually it is not necessary for him to queue but he was so small size to cut queue to ask for a plastic bag. I stood a distance away from him.

Finally it was his turn.... He happily asked the crew member "Excuse me! May I have a small plastic bag please?" You know what? The crew IGNORED him! She 'skipped' my boy and asked the next person in line for his order. Hello! How could she not see a boy standing right in front? Especially when the teenager (behind Z) looked at my boy and there was a BIG gap in front of the teenager and the counter when SHE was trying to take order from him! AND my boy was loud and cleared! Worst thing was that she wasn't smiling at all and was so grouchy! She probably thought that he was alone and can't bothered with him. I was so mad that I came forward and told her my boy is trying to ask for something. She showed me her 'black' face and my boy asked again and she got him a plastic bag.

After that, we went back to our seats. Remembered the incident that happened to him recently? The more I think of it, the more I can't take it! I know it is a different issue but I just can't tolerate my boy being treated this way anymore.

After L finished with her dinner, we went to the counter and I asked to speak to the manager on duty. I told the manager what happened and highlight to her that such a thing shouldn't happen. As a regular customer at the same Macdonald restaurant, I never had such an experience with the crew and I always thought Macdonald treats children the best. I was disappointed with the manager's explanation that the crew had problem. It not that I do not want to show empathy but I think we should never bring our problem to work and use it as an excuse to give such treatment to others. This would be unfair to customers/clients. Being in the service industry before, I find that this excuse is not acceptable.

Anyway, I think I have said enough.... I hope my boy will not be affected by this incident.


Jacss said...

poor a mom too, i knew exactly how hurt it can be for u!!
kudos to u for bringing it up to d manager, the staff certainly needs to be reprimanded!!

Mommy Lose Weight said...

encourage him again. let him try next time at a different outlet to boost his confidence.

I am also training my girl when we buy bread and sometimes she is transparent too, bcuz she speaks too soft and I said "never mind, you can try again next time ok" and still reward her though.

allthingspurple said...

haiyoh!!!! usually crews would smile at little kids who were plucky enough to ask stuff for themselves !! its good that you let the manager know about it. I wouldnt have like it. I can let almost anything go, but i could never let anything go if it involves my kids !!!

Aces Family said...

hi LZmommy,

Yeah, encourage him to try, regardless what is the kind of faces he gets becos it's natural human beings have mood swing, it's good learning ground for Z to know that things are not alway rosy.

As for the staff, good that u feedback to the manager and hopes that next time it will not happen again, if it does, write directly to the Management, forget about the Store Manager.. : P


3lilangels said...

That was a mean person. I would have been very upset too. Do encourage him to try again.

LHS said...

OMG...that's horrible experience in McD..and this just strike a little boy's confidence.

Meekfreek said...

shame shame McDonalds. Do send an email to their head office since the store manager's response was not satisfactory. If they still don't care, then please write to the Straits Times. You are right. This sort of behaviour (especially towards a young child) in 100% unacceptable. No wonder foreign talent is being brought in to replace complacent local staff.

Angeline said...

As much as the government has been emphasizing on quality service...Singaporeans are still not showing it!

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