Saturday, April 25, 2009

ZJ @ 2 Months

ZJ @ 2 months:

- He smiles when we call him
- He likes to be around us
- A few times we placed him face down and we found him facing up the next (this happened when he was abt 1 1/2 months)
- He can lift up his head when we place him face down
- He coos and ahs whenever we talk to him
- He loves his little 'drumlet' (his fist)
- He cries very loud whenever I try putting a pacifier into his mouth
- Sometimes he likes the sarong and sometimes he refuses to use it so he will sleep with me on the bed
- He loves shower and evening cleaning
- He wakes up once or twice in the night for feedings
- He drinks 4 to 6 oz of milk (direct, EBM or formula) Sometimes he refuses to take the bottle
- I am his pacifier when he wants to sleep

I have to give formula milk on some days and I limit it to once in a day.... Most of the times, in the evening, I don't have much supply for him. I wonder why.... So in the night, I try to wake up and pump for next day or pump whenever I can.

ZJ smiles alot nowadays. We are enjoying his company and he definitely brings lots of joy to us.


Angeline said...

Can I guess? You haven't been resting when you should.... my supply was pathetic after my 1st boy, 'cos I 'refused' to rest when he is resting...
but when Binbin popped out, I learnt my lesson and rest when he does. My supply was much better.

but for your case, I understand, cos' you have 2 more to handle...

*Happy Mothers' Day to you*

Mommy Lose Weight said...

hehe...I like the part where you wrote he likes his "drumlet"

Happy Mother's Day!

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