Thursday, June 18, 2009

Holiday Workshop Day 4 - Longkang Fishing

I think today is one of the camp days that they look forward to! They went to Qianhu for longkang fishing! L claimed that she caught 30+ fishes and Z only caught about 3 or 4 . She told me she gave some to Z but in the end, they were asked to released all the fishes and she was disappointed.

At the end of the day, they each brought home a small tank and some fishes. By bedtime, 2 of the fishes died and I don't think they will survived long....


Angeline said...

I realised that's a very common ending of the longkang fishes. I wonder if its due to the extensive swinging of the nets from all the children.... die of giddiness!

thinkingmama said...

Hi, my daughter went for Workshop B at the same group of center. :) She enjoyed it as well.

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