Friday, February 24, 2012

Birthday Celebration @ School - Junior Fireman

 Last night, the little one packed goodie bags with the help of his siblings.
Beanie's first wish - To be a fireman!  We hunt around for the suit and was so happy to find one that fits him so well!  From the photos, you could tell how happy he was!  He can't wait to show his friends in school.
He was very shy....  But the lighted candles helped to put a smile on his face.  We didn't have to tell him what to do, he has been looking forward to blowing out the candles and cutting the cake.
He wasn't comfortable when his classmates crowd around him...  Well, he is not used to having so many people singing birthday song for him!  Honestly, we didn't have the intention to celebrate his birthday in school till the teacher asked.  I asked him if he wants to and he said yes, of coz it came with other requests (like what he wants to do for his birthday)!
His Second Wish -  To sit on the "rhino"!

Whenever I drive to LZ's school, we will pass by this small fire station post.  He's very happy if he sees the "rhino" at the usual spot.  I promised him we will go there on his birthday and see if we can take a few shots of him with his favourite vehicle.

The staffs was very nice when daddy explained to them and we were allowed to take pics!   Little one was extremely excited!  But was so shy when he saw one of the guys was there.  Nevertheless, we managed to captured a few shots of him with it!

His third birthday wish?  Hopefully we can fulfill it tomorrow!  We are so looking forward to it!


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